Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Floating House

The Floating House
The pounding down from the dark, grey, dull clouds, as the house was floating higher and higher into the clouds. At the same time, Amelie's heart was pounding faster than ever, when suddenly she heard a “DING DONG!” Coming from the tower next to the floating house which was higher than before.

As the rain was slowing down, Amelie heard really hair- rasing sound coming from her computer it frightened her, she jumped off her bed. It was creepy 19th-century music.

 To be continued ….

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Sometimes I wonder

Sometimes I wonder
Sometimes I wonder if my ancestors learned to draw and paint like or did they learn more and more. I feel so happy to know that my ancestors were educated enough to teach the generation after them

It's like the tree,the roots are our ancestors or, the trunk is our grandparents/ great grandparents, the branches are parents, aunties, and uncles and finally the leaves are our generation that we are living in right now.

imove Rich Compered with poor By Shreya & Krisha

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Life Cycle Of A Monarch Butterfly

The Life Cycle Of A Monarch Butterfly
Did you know all living things have a life cycle for example; humans, plants, animals and many more? , plants, animals and many more?

The first stage of a Monarch butterfly is the egg stage ( When the Monarch butterfly is born).

Secondly, the egg hatches and it turns into a caterpillar. Did you know the caterpillar eats the egg it hatches from?

Once the caterpillar a few leaves and becomes plump it spirals up into a pupa. The pupa hangs of a leaf.

When the pupa hatches it turns into a beautiful Monarch butterfly. The Monarch butterfly is black and orange.

Finely the Monarch butterfly lays its eggs and passes away. That is the life cycle of a Monarch butterfly.

I Zayn have read your writing and like the way you described a butterflies life cycle next time work with your spelling more.     

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Dismal number pieces

Recycling in Auckland

First, we put all our recycling in the recycling bin. The recycling truck comes and takes our recycling to the  VISY recycling depot in Onehunga for sorting. Did you know that the VISY recycling facility has some of the most advanced sorting technology in New Zealand?

Next, the recyclables are tipped out of the collection trucks onto VISY  Materials Recovery Facility (MRF’s for short) ramp.VISY receives more than 200 delivered each day. Then a truck scoops the recyclables up and tips them onto a conveyor which takes them inside the sorting building.

The recyclables are advanced on the conveyors then evened out by a levelling drum as they move along. The very first sorting stage is called pre-sort. This is where a team of sorters work quickly to remove things that aren’t recyclable.

I Zayn have read your writing and think you have described the process well.  Next time add more of the process. 

Climate Change

Climate change

The world has a quality temperature however sometimes the temperature changes and this is called climate change . Climate change is due to a few natural effects and a few things we do to forms climate change.

First, the natural changes, are caused by volcanic eruptions, changes in the sun's energy, greenhouse gases also makes the earth warmer.
Next, there are things we do that forms climate change We dump rubbish everywhere, we use chemicals to make stuff, we cut down lots of trees, we burn gas to cook food and we plant a lot more rice and many more.  This creates Greenhouse gases.

So I think we should not throw rubbish everywhere.
So we can stop climate change. 
I liked the way you added lots of detail next time add more paragraphs.  Zayn


Thursday, August 1, 2019

Decimats 1 - By Krisha Zara

Multiplying Tens ~ By Krisha and Zara

What if poem

What if . . . What if. . . What if . . . 

What if a fairy was really really hairy.
What if Sanah turns into a banana.
What if Janya disappeared into Narnia.
What if Mr Mc broke his back.
What if the birds decided not to fly.
Is this true or is this a lie.
What if MT was a hour long.
What if we were awake all night long.  

Why do stars twinkle?

Have you ever looked up at the night sky and wondered why do stars twinkle? Well, actually your eyes are playing tricks on you. There is a blanket of air around us. This makes the stars glimmer because the air moves. Did you know that the stars are bigger than you think, and this is because the stars are far away from the atmosphere? If you didn't know, the stars that don’t stimulate are actually planets.


Monday, July 1, 2019

Krisha’s Key Competencies

Krisha’s Key Competencies 
(the capabilities required for living and lifelong learning)

Halsey Drive School
                     A = Almost Always
                                                                S = Sometimes
                                                           N = Not yet
1st half of the year
2nd half of the year
Managing Self

I am organised for the day

I am willing to try new things

I complete work to the best of my ability and show initiative

I begin work straight away, stay on task and work independently

I can set realistic goals and explain how to achieve them

I make sensible behaviour choices

I happily take part in all school activities

Relating to Others

I cooperate well with others when working

I treat others with respect

I am a good friend and role model - especially at break times

I show good manners and cooperate with others

Participating and Contributing

I share my ideas and opinions with others

I listen well to other people’s opinions

I take part in activities outside of the classroom


I ask relevant questions to deepen my knowledge 

I reflect on my own learning and say what I need to learn next

Language Symbols and Texts

I use a range of IT to share my learning

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Why playing sport is important for you?😀

Hi, do you know how fun it is to play outside? Well, today I will convince you to spend less time being a couch potato playing Fortnite and Roblox and more time being on your feet kicking a soccer ball, throwing a netball, or even if you’re just playing tag in your backyard.

My first reason is that if you play a sport you get a lot of fresh air and fresh air keeps your body and mind healthy. Fresh air gives you oxygen and oxygen is good for your brain.

Making me when you please sports you make friends a lot of them. Take me for a problem I have lots of fun but I do best friends are, Sanah Shreya, Zara. Anyways let's move on to the next point.

My third reason is sport helps you build your confidence. Confidence means you become brave to do the things you were once afraid to try. You will also love playing sport and that's what my speech is all about.

I hope you enjoyed my speech and I hope you agree with me THANK YOU.


Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Easttle writing test about the beach

My day at the beach
My trip to the beach starts as I walked down my driveway. I could see a van up the street and my dad told me that” That’s our van, hope in.” l was playing on my phone and then we reached the beach.

Next, we had a big lunch. After we went swimming in the water and I dug my dad in the sand and we played in the water with a ball. At the end of the day, we were all tired.